Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sky View High School Is Headed to the We the People National Competition in Washington DC

The Sky View High School (Smithfield, Utah) We the People Team has won the Utah State Competition held at the University of Utah and are now headed to the National competition in Washington DC this April. With no financial support from the school district, these kids are working hard to raise funds for the week long experience. They will compete against teams from each state in the union and several territories. These kids are sharp. They will be on KVNU's "For the People" today at the 5pm hour. They need our support. Please go to their link SV We the People Blog for ways you can support this amazing group of future leaders of our Nation.

My son, Jeremiah Bowen, is on the team and my Wife, Kristen, is helping by providing here handmade soaps, lotions, and lip balms for a fundraiser. Contact her if you are interested in buying some of these products and donating to the We the people team at

Monday, February 8, 2010

Peter Corroon's Campaign for Governor of Utah Comes to Logan

Peter Corroon made a visit to Logan, Utah on Saturday. Kristen and I were very impressed with how he answered the questions posed to him by the audience at the Italian Place on Federal Ave. Utah needs a leader who will fight for the interests of the people of Utah and Corroon is that leader. Check out his web page: